connector lines - strange mode - 2007
(too old to reply)
2010-09-11 14:08:56 UTC
Hello, I have my setup in a strange mode. I used to be able to click
in the middle of a connector line and have it move the entire segment
the direction I wanted. When I do this now it splits the segment and
creates a corner and another segment. SOOOO frustrating. Any ideas
how I can get it back to the default mode? Also, is there a way to
reset everything to the factory settings?

Thanks much

Paul Herber
2010-09-16 10:19:23 UTC
Post by 8900200
Hello, I have my setup in a strange mode. I used to be able to click
in the middle of a connector line and have it move the entire segment
the direction I wanted. When I do this now it splits the segment and
creates a corner and another segment. SOOOO frustrating. Any ideas
how I can get it back to the default mode? Also, is there a way to
reset everything to the factory settings?
These newsgroups are no longer in use and it is unlikely that you will get an answer here.
There are replacement forums for Visio, Microsoft's own:


or Visio MVP VisioGuy

Probably best to delete it and add a new connector.
Regards, Paul Herber, Sandrila Ltd.
DFD/SSADM/ERD for Visio http://www.sandrila.co.uk/visio-dfd/
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