Carlo C.
2010-04-26 17:57:01 UTC
I discovered this bug while creating a functional block diagram where shapes
representing electrical equipment are connected with Connectors.
Each Connector represents a Functional Channel with a unique ID.
I associated such ID to the graphic Connector by creating a Custom Property
Set with two properties: Channel ID (ChID) and Description.
I typed-in values for such custom properties, by using the Custom Properties
Window. In order to enter the typed value I used two strategies: either
pressing Enter key or clicking somewhere in the window.
By selecting the connectors with the custom properties already set, I could
see the correct value stored in each one. This as a confirmation that the
process worked.
Then I saved the Visio file, closed visio and re-opened the same file.
By clicking on the Connectors, I couldn't find any more the Custom
Properties values. The Custom Properties are visible in the Custom Properties
Window, but their value is blank (i.e. no value).
I have Visio 2003 Standard installed on the Dell D630 of my company.
Does someone have an idea about how to solve this problem?
I don't dare hoping to recover the data, but I'd need to use Custom
Properties intensively.
Thank you for reading all this stuff.
representing electrical equipment are connected with Connectors.
Each Connector represents a Functional Channel with a unique ID.
I associated such ID to the graphic Connector by creating a Custom Property
Set with two properties: Channel ID (ChID) and Description.
I typed-in values for such custom properties, by using the Custom Properties
Window. In order to enter the typed value I used two strategies: either
pressing Enter key or clicking somewhere in the window.
By selecting the connectors with the custom properties already set, I could
see the correct value stored in each one. This as a confirmation that the
process worked.
Then I saved the Visio file, closed visio and re-opened the same file.
By clicking on the Connectors, I couldn't find any more the Custom
Properties values. The Custom Properties are visible in the Custom Properties
Window, but their value is blank (i.e. no value).
I have Visio 2003 Standard installed on the Dell D630 of my company.
Does someone have an idea about how to solve this problem?
I don't dare hoping to recover the data, but I'd need to use Custom
Properties intensively.
Thank you for reading all this stuff.