Forward Engineer Visio ER Diagram to SQL DDL
(too old to reply)
Philipp Post
2010-04-11 13:21:08 UTC
In case it is helpfull to someone: Two years ago here was a post about
creating an Access database from a Visio ER Diagram - thanks to the
original author. I have altered that code to write standard ISO/ANSI
SQL DDL instead.

Comments and additions appreciated.

Thanks n brgds

Philipp Post


Option Explicit

'Description: Convert a Visio 2003 Entity Relationship Diagram to SQL
'Pattern Source:
'Date Author Changes
'2008-05-01 JW Initial Version
'2010-04-05 Philipp Post Changed to write ISO/ANSI SQL DDL
instead of an Access Database

'The goal is to keep the output as much as possible in standard SQL,
so that it will run in
'any SQL RDBMS without too much effort.

'How to install: Put the code into a new module in the *.vsd Visio
drawing and run it from the macros menu.
'Needs a reference to Visio Database Modelling Engine

'Warning: a lot of things, which can be entered in the UI can not be
scripted out, e. g.
'- CHECK constraints
'- DEFAULT values of columns in tables (not possible according to a
web search)
'- notes (not possible according to a web search)
'- VIEWs eVMEKindERView (mixed into entity = table / eVMEKindEREntity)

Public Sub Create_DDL()

'Visio Modelling Engine
Static vme As New VisioModelingEngine
Dim vis_models As IEnumIVMEModels
Dim vis_model As IVMEModel
Dim vis_shapes As IEnumIVMEModelElements
Dim vis_shape As IVMEModelElement

Dim vis_table_def As IVMEEntity
Dim vis_table_attribs As IEnumIVMEAttributes
Dim vis_column_def As IVMEAttribute
Dim vis_data_type As IVMEDataType
Dim table_name As String
Dim column_name As String

Dim vis_indexes As IEnumIVMEEntityAnnotations
Dim vis_index As IVMEEntityAnnotation
Dim vis_index_columns As IEnumIVMEAttributes
Dim vis_index_column As IVMEAttribute

Dim vis_relationship As IVMEBinaryRelationship
Dim vis_referenced_columns As IEnumIVMEAttributes
Dim vis_referenced_column As IVMEAttribute
Dim vis_referencing_columns As IEnumIVMEAttributes
Dim vis_referencing_column As IVMEAttribute
Dim constraint_name As String
Dim referencing_table_name As String
Dim referenced_table_name As String

'Output File
Dim file_name As String
Dim response As String
Dim ind_response As String
Dim write_indexes_flag As Boolean

'There is no save as file dialog in Visio VBA (would need access
through API)
file_name = InputBox("Save the DDL file here:", "Save file as", "D:
'User clicked cancel
If file_name = "" Then Exit Sub

Open file_name For Output As #1

'Print CREATE INDEX statements or not
If MsgBox("Should CREATE INDEX statements be included?", vbYesNo,
"Create DDL") = vbYes Then
write_indexes_flag = True
End If

'Set up refernces to entities ie tables and relationships in the
visio modelling engine
Set vis_models = vme.models
Set vis_model = vis_models.Next
Set vis_shapes = vis_model.elements
Set vis_shape = vis_shapes.Next

'for SQL Server only
response = "-- SQL Server specific settings" & vbCrLf & _
"SET ANSI_NULLS ON " & vbCrLf & _
"GO" & vbCrLf & _
"GO" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

'On Error GoTo TblErr

response = response & vbCrLf & "--------------------------- TABLES
---------------------------" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

'Add tables and indexes
Do While Not vis_shape Is Nothing

'Have we got a table definition?
'something is wrong with the VIEW definitions - they are
considered as tables
'although they should be eVMEKindERView

If vis_shape.Type = eVMEKindEREntity Then

'Add Tables

'Set a refernce to the table definition
Set vis_table_def = vis_shape

table_name =

response = response & "CREATE TABLE " & table_name &
vbCrLf & _

'Set a refernce to the columns category of the table
Set vis_table_attribs = vis_table_def.Attributes

'Select first row of column data in the columns category
Set vis_column_def = vis_table_attribs.Next

Do While Not vis_column_def Is Nothing

'Set a reference to the columns datatype
Set vis_data_type = vis_column_def.DataType

'Get the name of the column
column_name =

'Put conceptual column in DDL comments as there is
'no standard, how this is stored in the DB

'The notes property for ER shapes is not exposed via
the COM interface, so
'you won't be able to get them.

If vis_column_def.ConceptualName <>
vis_column_def.PhysicalName Then
response = response & "-- " &
vis_column_def.ConceptualName & vbCrLf & " "
End If

response = response & column_name

'Portable data types (SQL Standard)

'Proprietary data types
'BIT (in Ansi it is like BINARY in MS Access, no
direct replacement)
'DATETIME --> SQL Standard + DB2 = TIMESTAMP (but NOT
in SQL Server)
'GUID --> CHAR(32)
'TEXT --> NVARCHAR(MAX) in SQL Server,
CLOB(1073741823) in DB2

'data type
If vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "BIT" Then
'no direct replacement in SQL Standard (in SQL
Server BIT exists)
'Should be replaced with CHAR(1) NOT NULL
CHECK(<column name> IN('Y', 'N'))
response = response & " CHAR(1)"
ElseIf vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "BYTE" Then
response = response & " SMALLINT"
ElseIf vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "COUNTER" Then
'Identity property (SQL Server, MS Access)
response = response & " IDENTITY(1, 1)"
'response = response & " INTEGER " & vbCrLf & _
ElseIf vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "CURRENCY" Then
'MS Money data type should not be used due to math
response = response & " DECIMAL(15, 4)"
ElseIf vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "DOUBLE" Then
'FLOAT is SQL Standard
response = response & " FLOAT"
ElseIf vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "GUID" Then
'GUID can be replaced
response = response & " CHAR(32)"
ElseIf vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "LONG" Then
response = response & " INTEGER"
ElseIf vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "LONGBINARY" Then
'proprietary SQL Server replacement (old: IMAGE)
response = response & " VARBINARY(MAX)"
ElseIf vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "LONGCHAR" Or _
vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "LONGTEXT" Or _
vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "TEXT" Then
'proprietary SQL Server replacement
'MS Access always uses Unicode for LONGTEXT
response = response & " NVARCHAR(MAX)"
ElseIf vis_data_type.PhysicalName Like "NUMERIC*" Then
'As per MS Access help system NUMERIC should be
converted to DECIMAL
response = response &
Replace(vis_data_type.PhysicalName, "NUMERIC", "DECIMAL")
ElseIf vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "SHORT" Then
response = response & " SMALLINT"
ElseIf vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "SINGLE" Then
'floating point number
response = response & " REAL"
response = response & " " &
End If

If vis_column_def.AllowNulls = False Then
response = response & " NOT NULL"
'SQL standard does not require this, but some
rdbms do
'response = response & " NULL"
End If

'DEFAULT values ???
'CHECK constraints ???

'CHECK constraints based on special data types
If vis_data_type.PhysicalName = "BIT" Then
response = response & vbCrLf
response = response & " CHECK(" & column_name & "
IN('Y', 'N'))"
End If

response = response & ", " & vbCrLf & " "

'Select next column in the table definition
Set vis_column_def = vis_table_attribs.Next


'Add Indexes and Keys

'On Error GoTo IndErr

'Select the indexes in the table definition
Set vis_indexes = vis_table_def.EntityAnnotations

'Select the first Index in the table definition
Set vis_index = vis_indexes.Next
ind_response = ""

Do While Not vis_index Is Nothing

'Create the Index in the database

'VBA does not make a difference between the fact if a
constraint or a key or both
'are concerned as the Visio user interface does

Select Case vis_index.kind

'Primary Key constraint
Case eVMEEREntityAnnotationPrimary
response = response & "CONSTRAINT " &
Make_Name_SQL_Compatible(vis_index.PhysicalName) & " " & vbCrLf & _

'For SQL server it should be CLUSTERED index,
for DB2 UNIQUE index
ind_response = ind_response & " CREATE UNIQUE
INDEX " & Make_Name_SQL_Compatible(vis_index.PhysicalName & "_IDX") &
" " & vbCrLf & _
" ON " &
table_name & " ("

'Unique constraint
Case eVMEEREntityAnnotationAlternate
response = response & "CONSTRAINT " &
Make_Name_SQL_Compatible(vis_index.PhysicalName) & " " & vbCrLf & _

'Not unique index
Case eVMEEREntityAnnotationIndex
ind_response = ind_response & " CREATE INDEX "
& Make_Name_SQL_Compatible(vis_index.PhysicalName & "_IDX") & " " &
vbCrLf & _
" ON " &
table_name & " ("

Case eVMEEREntityAnnotationUpperBound
'do nothing - not sure what this is for

End Select

'Select the first column of the Index Definition
Set vis_index_columns = vis_index.Attributes
Set vis_index_column = vis_index_columns.Next

Do While Not vis_index_column Is Nothing

Select Case vis_index.kind

'Primary Key constraint
Case eVMEEREntityAnnotationPrimary
response = response &
Make_Name_SQL_Compatible(vis_index_column.PhysicalName) & ", "
ind_response = ind_response &
Make_Name_SQL_Compatible(vis_index_column.PhysicalName) & ", "

'Unique constraint
Case eVMEEREntityAnnotationAlternate
response = response &
Make_Name_SQL_Compatible(vis_index_column.PhysicalName) & ", "

'Not unique index
Case eVMEEREntityAnnotationIndex
ind_response = ind_response &
Make_Name_SQL_Compatible(vis_index_column.PhysicalName) & ", "

Case eVMEEREntityAnnotationUpperBound
'do nothing - not sure what this is for

End Select

'Select the next column in the index definition
Set vis_index_column = vis_index_columns.Next


Select Case vis_index.kind

'Primary Key constraint
Case eVMEEREntityAnnotationPrimary

'strip last , of the key column list
response = Left(response, Len(response) - 2)
response = response & "), " & vbCrLf & " "

'strip last , of the index column list
ind_response = Left(ind_response,
Len(ind_response) - 2)
ind_response = ind_response & "); " & vbCrLf &

'Unique constraint
Case eVMEEREntityAnnotationAlternate

'strip last , of the key column list
response = Left(response, Len(response) - 2)
response = response & "), " & vbCrLf & " "

'Not unique index
Case eVMEEREntityAnnotationIndex
'strip last , of the index column list
ind_response = Left(ind_response,
Len(ind_response) - 2)
ind_response = ind_response & "); " & vbCrLf &

Case eVMEEREntityAnnotationUpperBound
'do nothing - not sure what this is for

End Select

'Select the next index in the data vis_model
Set vis_index = vis_indexes.Next


'strip last , of the column/constraint list
'and terminate the CREATE TABLE statement
response = Left(response, Len(response) - 5)
response = response & ");" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

'add the CREATE INDEX statements right after the table
If write_indexes_flag = True Then
response = response & ind_response
End If

End If

Set vis_shape = vis_shapes.Next


'End first pass, Set up for the second pass through the vis_model
'On Error GoTo RelErr

Set vis_shapes = vis_model.elements
Set vis_shape = vis_shapes.Next

response = response & vbCrLf & "---------------------------
FOREIGN KEYS ---------------------------" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

Do While Not vis_shape Is Nothing

'Have we got a relationship?
If vis_shape.Type = eVMEKindERRelationship Then

'Add relationships

Set vis_relationship = vis_shape

'Create Relationship
constraint_name =
'Specify the related / foreign table. (The parent table in
referencing_table_name =
'Specify the primary table. (The child table in VME)
referenced_table_name =

response = response & "ALTER TABLE " &
referencing_table_name & " " & vbCrLf & _
" ADD CONSTRAINT " & constraint_name
& " " & vbCrLf & _

'Add the columns to the relationship

'Read Foreign table columns
Set vis_referencing_columns =
Set vis_referencing_column = vis_referencing_columns.Next

Do While Not vis_referencing_column Is Nothing

response = response &
Make_Name_SQL_Compatible(vis_referencing_column.PhysicalName) & ", "
'Repeat for other columns if a multi-column relation.
Set vis_referencing_column =


'strip last ,
response = Left(response, Len(response) - 2)
response = response & ")" & vbCrLf

'Read Primary table columns
Set vis_referenced_columns =
Set vis_referenced_column = vis_referenced_columns.Next

response = response & " REFERENCES " &
referenced_table_name & " ("

Do While Not vis_referenced_column Is Nothing

response = response &
Make_Name_SQL_Compatible(vis_referenced_column.PhysicalName) & ", "
'Repeat for other columns if a multi-column relation.
Set vis_referenced_column =


'strip last ,
response = Left(response, Len(response) - 2)
response = response & ")" & vbCrLf

'define update and delete rules
Select Case vis_relationship.UpdateRule
Case eVMERIRuleCascade
response = response & " ON UPDATE CASCADE" &
Case eVMERIRuleSetNull
response = response & " ON UPDATE SET NULL" &
Case eVMERIRuleSetDefault
response = response & " ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT" &
Case eVMERIRuleNoAction
'ON UPDATE RESTRICT is standard - must not mention
End Select

Select Case vis_relationship.DeleteRule
Case eVMERIRuleCascade
response = response & " ON DELETE CASCADE" &
Case eVMERIRuleSetNull
response = response & " ON DELETE SET NULL" &
Case eVMERIRuleSetDefault
response = response & " ON DELETE SET DEFAULT" &
Case eVMERIRuleNoAction
'ON DELETE RESTRICT is standard - must not mention
End Select

'strip last crlf of the column list
response = Left(response, Len(response) - 2)
response = response & ";" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

End If

Set vis_shape = vis_shapes.Next


'Write the resulte to file and close it
Print #1, response
Close (1)

Exit Sub

Debug.Print "Tbl Err"
Debug.Print " "
Resume Next

Debug.Print vis_table_def.PhysicalName, vis_index.PhysicalName,
Err.Description, "Idx Err"
Debug.Print " "
Resume Next

Debug.Print vis_relationship.SecondEntity.PhysicalName,
vis_relationship.FirstEntity.PhysicalName, Err.Description, "Rel Err"
Debug.Print " "
Resume Next

End Sub

'Description: Handle white spaces in object names
'Author: PP 2010-04-06
Private Function Make_Name_SQL_Compatible(ByVal object_name As String)
As String

If InStr(1, object_name, " ") > 0 Then
'for table names with spaces in it
'as per ANSI, use double quotes
'SQL Server uses [], but can be set to double quotes - SET
object_name = """" & object_name & """"
End If

Make_Name_SQL_Compatible = object_name

End Function
Shane Presley
2011-01-04 18:57:52 UTC
Is this macro complete? The last line I see is:
Set vis_models = vme.models

but I don't really see any code for actually generating the ddl or writing the file.

I am also getting a 'User-defined type not defined' for 'VisioModelingEngine'. I was under the impression that this worked in the 'general' version of visio, is that not the case?

Post by Philipp Post
In case it is helpfull to someone: Two years ago here was a post about
creating an Access database from a Visio ER Diagram - thanks to the
original author. I have altered that code to write standard ISO/ANSI
SQL DDL instead.
Comments and additions appreciated.
Thanks n brgds
Philipp Post
Option Explicit
'Description: Convert a Visio 2003 Entity Relationship Diagram to SQL
'Date Author Changes
'2008-05-01 JW Initial Version
'2010-04-05 Philipp Post Changed to write ISO/ANSI SQL DDL
instead of an Access Database
'The goal is to keep the output as much as possible in standard SQL,
so that it will run in
'any SQL RDBMS without too much effort.
'How to install: Put the code into a new module in the *.vsd Visio
drawing and run it from the macros menu.
'Needs a reference to Visio Database Modelling Engine
'Warning: a lot of things, which can be entered in the UI can not be
scripted out, e. g.
'- CHECK constraints
'- DEFAULT values of columns in tables (not possible according to a
web search)
'- notes (not possible according to a web search)
'- VIEWs eVMEKindERView (mixed into entity = table / eVMEKindEREntity)
Public Sub Create_DDL()
'Visio Modelling Engine
Static vme As New VisioModelingEngine
Dim vis_models As IEnumIVMEModels
Dim vis_model As IVMEModel
Dim vis_shapes As IEnumIVMEModelElements
Dim vis_shape As IVMEModelElement
Dim vis_table_def As IVMEEntity
Dim vis_table_attribs As IEnumIVMEAttributes
Dim vis_column_def As IVMEAttribute
Dim vis_data_type As IVMEDataType
Dim table_name As String
Dim column_name As String
Dim vis_indexes As IEnumIVMEEntityAnnotations
Dim vis_index As IVMEEntityAnnotation
Dim vis_index_columns As IEnumIVMEAttributes
Dim vis_index_column As IVMEAttribute
Dim vis_relationship As IVMEBinaryRelationship
Dim vis_referenced_columns As IEnumIVMEAttributes
Dim vis_referenced_column As IVMEAttribute
Dim vis_referencing_columns As IEnumIVMEAttributes
Dim vis_referencing_column As IVMEAttribute
Dim constraint_name As String
Dim referencing_table_name As String
Dim referenced_table_name As String
'Output File
Dim file_name As String
Dim response As String
Dim ind_response As String
Dim write_indexes_flag As Boolean
'There is no save as file dialog in Visio VBA (would need access
through API)
'User clicked cancel
If file_name = "" Then Exit Sub
Open file_name For Output As #1
'Print CREATE INDEX statements or not
If MsgBox("Should CREATE INDEX statements be included?", vbYesNo,
"Create DDL") = vbYes Then
write_indexes_flag = True
End If
'Set up refernces to entities ie tables and relationships in the
visio modelling engine
Set vis_models = vme.models
Submitted via EggHeadCafe
Microsoft SQL Server Developer For Beginners
Philipp Post
2011-01-07 18:48:49 UTC
   Set vis_models = vme.models
but I don't really see any code for actually generating the ddl or writing the file.
I am also getting a 'User-defined type not defined' for 'VisioModelingEngine'. I was under the impression that this worked in the 'general' version of visio, is that not the case?
Hello Shane,

I posted this in google groups over here


There it shows up completely.

You will have to set up a reference to "Visio Database Modelling
Engine" in order to run it. I tested it with a normal retail version
of Visio which should work.

Hope this helps.


Philipp Post
