and dynamic updating via an access database. Would anyone out there be able
publish this on our intranet fortnightly. If I am able to dynamically update
Thank you in advance for your assistance on this.
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The book Visio Inside Out (for whatever version you have) would be the best
reference I can think of as far as detailing what the Organization Chart
can do. I'm not sure the Visio user interface itself can give you the level
of automation you're looking for. There's a Visio Developer reference on
the help menu in Visio and a free download for the Visio SDK on the
Microsoft website if you're interested developing something using the
object model.
There's also a way to run Visio org charts from the command line using
OrgWiz.exe that installs to the same folder the Visio executable is in
(VISIO.EXE). The arguments you can use with OrgWiz.exe are here
Hope that helps...
Aaron Rykhus, Visio Support
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 The book Visio Inside Out (for whatever version you have) would be the best reference I can think of as far as detailing what the Organization Chart can do. I'm not sure the Visio user interface itself can give you the level of automation you're looking for. There's a Visio Developer reference on the help menu in Visio and a free download for the Visio SDK on the Microsoft website if you're interested developing something using the object model.
\par There's also a way to run Visio org charts from the command line using OrgWiz.exe that installs to the same folder the Visio executable is in (VISIO.EXE). The arguments you can use with OrgWiz.exe are here
\par Hope that helps...
\par Aaron Rykhus, Visio Support
\par Microsoft Corporation
\par ----------------------------------------------
\par This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
\par }
Post by MRFosterThank you very much Aaron.
Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
ObjectDumper LINQ To Export Collection Via .NET Reflection