The simplest method would be to edit the Document stencil Master. So:
1 - File/Shapes/Show Document Stencil
2 - In the Document Stencil right click on the Master you're after and
select Edit Master/Edit Master Shape
3 - The milestone is a 'Group' shape and has a setting to protect its
children so select the shape and click Show ShapeSheet from the Window menu
4 - Scroll down the ShapeSheet to the "Protection" section, find the
"LockGroup" cell and change its value to 0
5 - Now select the Date text shape (you may need to click twice as the first
click will only select the Group shape if its not selected already)
6 - With the Date shape selected, select "Protection..." from the Format
menu and uncheck the "From deletion" checkboxpress F2 and delete the
highlighted text
7 - Return to the group shape's ShapeSheet and change the "LockGroup" cell
back to 1. Close the ShapeSheet window.
8 - Close the Master edit window and accept the "Update shapes" message
9 - Right click the Master in the Document Stencil once more and select Edit
10 - Check the "Match master by name on drop" checkbox
Note that this will be a permenant change for the respective document, so
you might want to test it on a copy first. As an alternative to deleting
the Date shape you might want to add a true/false type custom property
(Shape Data in 2007) to the page shapesheet, named something like "Show
milestone dates", that you could reference from the Date shape's Text Field
cell. Of course if this is the first time you've met the ShapeSheet then
you might be more comfortable with the above.
Hope that helps
Best regards
John Goldsmith
Post by time4u2goDoes anybody know how to hide the date display for milestones on a timeline?
In other words, I will enter the date into the milestone's configuration so
that it shows up on the timeline at the right place, but I want to hide it
showing the date, and have it only show the milestone's name. Thanks.