You could describe the positions of hte text blocks
Block1 - top center
Block2 - top left
Block3 - left middle
Block4 - top right
Block5 - bottom center
Need stencils or ideas?
Need VBA examples?
Common Visio Questions
Post by sladjan.parcHi, thanks for the reply. I know this. But I want to reorganize
blocks and each of them has its border. I do not know how, through this
forum would send a picture to show my idea.
Post by John... Visio MVPPost by sladjan.parcfield block in oeganizational shapes organized as
block2 block3
block4 block5
hot to reoranize it as folowing
block2 block1 block4
block3 block5
any idea?
thank you in advance
From the Options menu under the Organization Chart menu choose the Fields
tab. You can then choose what fields go in what box.
John... Visio MVP