Hide the length and triangle above my walls... PLEASE HELP
(too old to reply)
2008-05-07 16:48:03 UTC
Hi.. Im drawing floorplans of apartments in vision, but when i add a wall,
and define the length of the wall a gray text appears above the wall whith
the lengt AND on top of that there is a small really annoying triangle... I
have tried to remove it but i cant figure it out....

Please help me... Someone..

Thank u all..
Philippe C.
2008-05-08 07:02:01 UTC
This has been discussed in this forum last year.
Tell us if you don't find the topic.
Post by ellesovs
Hi.. Im drawing floorplans of apartments in vision, but when i add a wall,
and define the length of the wall a gray text appears above the wall whith
the lengt AND on top of that there is a small really annoying triangle... I
have tried to remove it but i cant figure it out....
Please help me... Someone..
Thank u all..
2008-05-08 13:24:01 UTC
No i cant seem to find it... any help would be apreciated...
Post by Philippe C.
This has been discussed in this forum last year.
Tell us if you don't find the topic.
Post by ellesovs
Hi.. Im drawing floorplans of apartments in vision, but when i add a wall,
and define the length of the wall a gray text appears above the wall whith
the lengt AND on top of that there is a small really annoying triangle... I
have tried to remove it but i cant figure it out....
Please help me... Someone..
Thank u all..
2008-05-08 13:21:00 UTC
Nope... I cant seem to find it... do u have any idea where it is?
Post by ellesovs
Hi.. Im drawing floorplans of apartments in vision, but when i add a wall,
and define the length of the wall a gray text appears above the wall whith
the lengt AND on top of that there is a small really annoying triangle... I
have tried to remove it but i cant figure it out....
Please help me... Someone..
Thank u all..
Philippe C.
2008-05-08 13:30:00 UTC
I have again some idle time, I searched for "walls".
But I think there is no solution.
It won't print and it only shows when you select it.
I even like this feature.
Post by ellesovs
Nope... I cant seem to find it... do u have any idea where it is?
Post by ellesovs
Hi.. Im drawing floorplans of apartments in vision, but when i add a wall,
and define the length of the wall a gray text appears above the wall whith
the lengt AND on top of that there is a small really annoying triangle... I
have tried to remove it but i cant figure it out....
Please help me... Someone..
Thank u all..
2011-07-14 17:30:00 UTC
I wish to turn off the automatic dimensions appearing around walls, doors, etc. in my Visio floorplan.

The feature is helpful... until you try to use the "Union" operation on two walls and the triangle that appears with the dimensions is now a part of the wall. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone else know a working solution?

I've looked around on the internet a bit and found some forums decribing changing information in the "Show Shapesheet" window, but I couldn't make heads or tails of it. I've only been using Visio around 3 weeks so layman's terms would be appreciated.
Post by ellesovs
Hi.. Im drawing floorplans of apartments in vision, but when i add a wall,
and define the length of the wall a gray text appears above the wall whith
the lengt AND on top of that there is a small really annoying triangle... I
have tried to remove it but i cant figure it out....
Please help me... Someone..
Thank u all..
Post by Philippe C.
This has been discussed in this forum last year.
Tell us if you do not find the topic.
Post by ellesovs
Nope... I cant seem to find it... do u have any idea where it is?
Post by ellesovs
No i cant seem to find it... any help would be apreciated...
Post by Philippe C.
I have again some idle time, I searched for "walls".
But I think there is no solution.
It will not print and it only shows when you select it.
I even like this feature.